
Between now and half term, Holroyd Howe, with the support of our Head of Food Development Dan Collier, will bring a sweet and savoury recipe to life each week, from their Home School Bistro pack.

Alongside his daughters, Dan will take you through each recipe step by step for students, parents, staff and their families to watch and cook along!

The Home School Bistro was launched during the first lockdown, to help families cook, teach and learn about delicious, nutritious food together.  Home School Bistro recipes and menus have been designed to utilise ‘easily accessible’ ingredients and ‘left over’ foods safely to produce tasty meals and snacks. It also provides curriculum based interactive educational resources and activities for children to complete. From learning about food waste and recycling that features in many science-based subjects to understanding the importance of a healthy balanced diet in PSHE.

The Home School Bistro can still be downloaded via the Holroyd Howe website here: Home School Bistro

Each week we will send a link to the Holroyd Howe YouTube channel, where you will find these cook-along videos. Emails will be accompanied with the recipes and some hand tips each week: Holroyd Howe – YouTube channel

If you do get involved, we invite you to share photos or videos of your experiences via this Firefly link. Similarly, if you or anyone in your family would like to contribute any recipes/video guide, then please do. Send them to Mr Richbell, who will upload them.

We hope you enjoy this fun family cooking experience.

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