When assessing students with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND), we will endeavour to match their normal way of working within their current school. It is important that we receive all documentary evidence, such as educational psychologists’ or medical reports and all documentation produced by the current school outlining the level of support and access arrangements provided, at the point of application.
Once we have reviewed the documentation, we may make contact to discuss individual needs further and to discuss facilities and support available. In the interests of fairness, we apply the criteria outlined by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) when determining access arrangements for all entrance examinations.
If an applicant receives SEND support in their current school, we must receive all documentation related to that support at the point of application, even if they are not applying for access arrangements in the entrance examinations. We also expect to be made aware of any pending SEND diagnosis, a diagnosis made after the application has been submitted, and any support that is provided in the current school without a diagnosis.
Parents or guardians applying for a child with an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) should have discussed their application in advance with the relevant local authority, and they should be able to provide evidence that the local authority has determined that Trinity is a an appropriate setting. Please note that applicants with an EHCP will be subject to the same admissions requirements as any other applicant.
Failure to provide the necessary information regarding SEND diagnoses or support may result in the offer of a place being withdrawn.
Our priority is to ensure that all students have access to the mainstream curriculum: any support offered to our students will be driven towards supporting the specialist teaching in the classroom.
All students with SEND or EAL profile will be monitored by the Learning Support department, who will also construct an Individual Education Plan (IEP) to be shared with teachers. We encourage students to play an active role in drafting and amending their IEPs on an ongoing basis throughout their time at Trinity. Some students will be invited to attend one-to-one sessions with members of the Learning Support department; others may attend group sessions with peers whose learning profiles are similar. All support is reviewed frequently by the Learning Support department, in consultation with the pastoral team, the Deputy Head – Academic, and the Assistant Head – Teaching and Learning.
Please note that the school’s policy is that we do not offer one-to-one Teaching Assistant support in timetabled lessons.
If you have any questions relating to access arrangements for entrance examinations at Trinity, or relating to the kind of support that your child would require at Trinity, please contact Robin Hardman (Assistant Head – Teaching and Learning).