Tutors & Heads of Year

Our Section Heads are experienced
at looking after all students within their care. With a strong team of Heads of Year and Tutors, they oversee transition and progression throughout the School and beyond.

Tutors & Heads
of Year

Students see their Form Tutor twice a day and these relationships are key to our pastoral system: Tutors are there to listen, advise and help our students make and understand their own choices, and to act as the primary contact with parents.

There are around 20 boys in each form in the Lower and Middle School. In the Sixth Form, tutor groups are formed of ten to twelve students.

Our Heads of Year also know each student personally and take responsibility for each year group with regards to their behaviour, academic progress and wellbeing.




Student support

New students are helped to feel part of Trinity as soon as they have accepted their offer. They are invited, along with their parents, to events at the School before the start of their first term. This proves a fantastic opportunity for boys and girls to get to know their classmates, members of pastoral staff, and their new surroundings, before they arrive in September already feeling a sense of belonging and confidence.


Every form in our Lower School is paired with members of our Sixth Form who spend part of each week interacting with younger students, leading activities, offering advice, or simply acting as a friendly face.
The vast majority of our senior students volunteer in this way, demonstrating our commitment to promoting kindness, courtesy and respect.


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