Building an understanding of our past makes us better equipped to understand our present. Students studying History have the opportunity to learn about different cultures, political events and beliefs, whilst simultaneously developing the ability to craft arguments and analyse evidence.
From Medieval Europe to decolonisation, our Lower School History curriculum follows a narrative approach. At iGCSE, students explore 20th Century units, and, in the Sixth Form, all students study a balance of Medieval; Early Modern, and Modern History, in addition to independent study on a topic of their choosing.
Specialist teachers work with students to explore questions, rather than recite answers. In the Third Form and the Fifth Form we offer extended project work for all pupils to prepare them for History further up the school, where pupils are encouraged to complete their own research and, in some cases, present it to peers.
In the Lower School, we offer Sunday visits for pupils and parents twice a term in addition to the First Form Medieval Day and Third Form Battlefields excursion. In the Upper School, we run a weekly History Society for Sixth Form Historians, and the Black Lamp Society, for those intending to pursue History to undergraduate level, meets weekly.
Meanwhile, pupils in the Sixth Form are encouraged to enter essay competitions run by Oxford and Cambridge, to attend evening lectures during the week, and to benefit from our regular visiting speakers.