
Last Saturday, Trinity hosted and participated in the London regional tournament for the International History Bee and Bowl competition.  

Mrs Molteni, Teacher of History who organises the competition, reports back: “We fielded six teams in total and competed against City of London School, City of London Freeman’s, Eton College, Farnham Head End School, Southbank International School and Stowe. 

This year’s competition was fierce with Eton College providing the biggest challenge to Trinity’s Varsity teams and Farnham Heath End School battling against our younger teams.  

After a long day of answering a multitude of questions on ancient, medieval, early modern and modern world History our Middle School team (Emile Guiblin, Rishi John, Iwo Ligeza and Seb Vials) and our Junior Varsity team (Arun Bew, Joshua Brown, Jirka Celak, Lukas England and Duncan Rout) both emerged with an award, winning second place overall in the Bowl competition. 

After competing with his team in the History Bowl, Second Year student Micah Thompson went on to compete in the individual Bee competition and came first! Congratulations. 

Well done to our 28 competitors – the tournament was exciting, very tense at times and our students had a great time. They did us proud!”  

Fifth Year student Duncan Rout said, “This was our second time doing the History Bowl as a team and we decided to do more preparation, and it paid off. We came into the tournament much stronger than last year… we did well in the competition, despite losing to Eton in the previous round, we defeated them in a tension filled semi-final. Overall, we all felt very proud of our performance and enjoyed the day-long event.”  

Fifth Year Jirka Celak added, “This year I got to not only do the Bowl which I enjoyed but also the Bee, managing to get 4th. We overall enjoyed the competition and managed to significantly improve from last to 2nd in the Bowl.” 

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