
What a great afternoon we had last Saturday, when we celebrated 30 years since the Class of 1988 left Trinity School.

Leavers of 30 years ago arrived at noon, browsed archive materials, and enjoyed an excellent lunch served by our chef Simon Martin. After lots of photographs, the group toured the School with our outgoing Estates Manager, Robin McKinlay, then went off to a local pub for more reminiscing, and a curry.

We had fun recreating a 30-year-old photograph of School Captain Indy Kler with Vice Captains Richard Sexton and Jeb Beresford, as well as group and individual photos, and alumni sitting at desks in a classroom during their tour of the School.

“Thanks again for your wonderful efforts in organising a fabulous reunion for my year group. It was a great event on Saturday – and a valuable opportunity to catch up with old friends and see the school again.” Alumnus

Photographs from this event are available on ‘My Trinity’, our alumni engagement platform www.mytrinity.org.uk

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