
An important week in the Lower Sixth calendar, Higher Education Week provides students with opportunities and workshops to support their plans for life after Trinity. Students receive guidance on drafting UCAS applications and personal statements, explore alternative pathways, prepare their Extended Project Qualification boards and delve into subject specific areas. 

In addition, we were delighted to welcome back 18 former students (pictured) who are currently pursuing various undergraduate degrees in fields such as medicine, economics, law, architecture, design engineering, and more to inspire our Lower Sixth.  

They participated in an insightful discussion and lively Q&A in the Mitre Theatre, facilitated by Mr Aldridge, Head of Futures, who posed questions to the undergrads about what our current students should expect when they transition to university life. 

The session proved to be immensely valuable as the alumni shared their experiences and provided excellent advice. Topics ranged from navigating freshers’ week, the importance of networking and making connections in the early stages of university, to practical aspects like student finance and budgeting. The benefits of group study were also emphasised, highlighting the collaborative nature of university education, which differs from the student-teacher relationship experienced in school. 

Following the Q&A session, we relocated to the Sixth Form Centre where our accomplished alumni engaged in small group discussions with Lower Sixth students, imparting their invaluable wisdom and insights. This interactive session allowed for personal interactions and provided a platform for our students to ask specific questions and seek guidance tailored to their individual aspirations and goals. 

As the day drew to a close, our alumni enjoyed lunch in the Staff Dining Room, providing a perfect opportunity for our former students to reconnect with their favourite teachers and reunite with their classmates. 

A big thank you to all alumni who returned for this important event. Events like this serve as a reminder of the enduring bond between our school and our alumni and reaffirm our commitment to nurturing and guiding our students on their journey towards higher education and beyond. 

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