
As we approach the Centenary of the signing of the Armistice, we pay tribute to the 142 former Trinity students who gave their lives in the service of their Country. Many showed great courage in battle and we salute them. A tribute to each of the fallen will be placed around our Quad during our Remembrance fortnight.

Major Frederick Henry Johnson VC, pictured, was killed in action on 26th November 1917 in France. He joined the Royal Engineers at the outbreak of war in July 1914 and disembarked at Havre, France on 10th July 1914.

He was awarded the 1914-15 Star and saw action on the Western Front at the Battle of Loos. He was shot in the leg whilst temporarily in command of his section, but led several charges of the German Redoubt to retain position.

Major Johnson was awarded the Victoria Cross on 25th September 1915 for action at Hill 70, during the Battle of Loos. He was promoted to captain in September 1916 and to Major in January 1917.

We will remember him.

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