Lower Sixth Form student, Aarush Wangoo, has set up a successful cricket coaching business, Evolve, which has been covered by MyLondon.
Aarush explains: “My aim is to help everyone ‘evolve’ into the best version of themselves. At the moment, this may just be in terms of their cricket, but I have strong aims to do the same for other areas, too, in the future.
“Having played a lot of cricket growing up, two deficiencies stood out to me. One was a lack of technology being utilised for coaching at grassroot levels, and the other was a lack of female participation. I saw this as an opportunity, and the thought of being able to contribute for the betterment of these causes inspired me to take action.”
Aarush first started playing cricket when he was 11 and has represented Surrey and Kent at county level. Currently, he is part of Trinity’s 1st XI squad.
He adds: “A significant contributor to my business has been Trinity, from the facilities to all-round mentoring. I was also invited present in Economics society and was amazed by the turnout and how many questions I was asked. Seeing so many willing to learn from me and being able to advise others and help kickstart their own ideas gives me a lot of joy.”
"Seeing so many willing to learn from me and being able to advise others gives me a lot of joy."
Aarush Wangoo, Lower Sixth
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