
With just over two weeks to go, this year’s TPA Proms line-up features members of the Trinity community.

One of the acts this year is Jasper and his Friends from School of Rock. First Year student Jasper Bew has now appeared in 200 West End performances of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s award-winning show School of RockThe Musical.

Jasper was initially cast as Freddy the drummer, and is now the first and only performer to secure a second leading role in the same show playing Zack the guitarist.

At the proms Jasper will be joined by current and previous School of Rock – The Musical cast friends, as well as a very special Trinity guest, to perform two songs.

Get your tickets now – the long range weather forecast is looking warm and sunny, so we’re in for a special evening. Tickets can be bought online with a booking fee – or you can buy tickets without the fee by returning our booking form.

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