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University Destinations

Trinity Leavers

Most of our students go on to the world’s top universities, colleges and conservatoires, both in the UK and abroad; or they go on to work at some of the world’s most prestigious organisations, with degree apprenticeships becoming more popular.

Regardless of where they go next, we are proud that our students leave Trinity grounded, articulate and confident individuals with the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to their community.

Over 94% of leavers gained a place at their first- or second-choice institution

Trinity Leavers 2024

Leavers' destinations in 2024 by institution / subject area

By Institution

By Subject Area

Top tier universities

Where do our students go when they leave us?

Trinity is committed to ensuring that all students choose the right path for them, so that they can fulfil their potential in every walk of life. This wheel shows the number of students opting to study at particular institutions over the past five years.

This year – a very competitive year for entry – saw 94% of our A Level cohort securing their first or second choice of institution. This included: 13 students heading to Oxbridge; ten opting to study Medicine; five studying Architecture; thirteen studying Economics; and five being accepted onto highly competitive apprenticeships.


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